CS 595 - Advanced Scientific Computing

Fall 2010

The Boss is: OUT

Site Map

Contact Information

  • Hong Zhang : hzhang@mcs.anl.gov
    • Office : SB 235C
    • Office Hours : R 3:00-5:30
  • Michael McCourt : mccomic@mcs.anl.gov (or mccomic@iit.edu)
    • Office : E1 105d
    • Office Hours : MW 10:00-1:00, TR 2:00-5:00


This section exists to help you learn the tools you'll need to conduct scientific computing within a UNIX operating system. Specifically, the system we are interested in here is the ada.cs.iit.edu machine on which all of you have accounts. We may also potentially be working on karlin.math.iit.edu, but that will be further down the line and subject to the system administrator's schedule.

Check the References section of the website for downloads of PuTTY and WinSCP which can be used to access the Linux servers provided for this class.

The lectures below were given during a introductory class on UNIX that I taught at Cornell University a few years ago. I hope that you find them useful, and probably the most important lectures are those covering regular expressions and scripting. Feel free to ask questions about Linux commands if you can't find the answers below (google and man are also good sources). If there's anything that you find useful which is missing, feel free to ask and I'll see if I can put more materials together.


Beneath each lecture description is a list of the commands discussed in that lecture.