Special Session on
Algebraic Statistics
and its Interactions with Combinatorics, Computation, and Network Science
2015 AMS Fall Central Section Meeting
Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, ILOctober 3-4, 2015 (Saturday - Sunday)
Saturday Oct 3rd, 8:30am - 11:00am
- David Haws: Score Equivalence and Polyhedral Approaches to Learning Bayesian Networks. (SLIDES)
- Hisayuki Hara: Identifiability of Gaussian DAG models with one latent source. (SLIDES)
- Elizabeth Gross: The maximum likelihood threshold of a graph. (SLIDES)
- Jose Rodriguez: The maximum likelihood degree for rank 2 matrices via Euler characteristics. (SLIDES)
- Jeffrey Sommars: Polynomial Homotopy Continuation in the Cloud. (SLIDES)
Saturday Oct 3rd, 2:30pm - 5:00pm
- Jason Morton: An abstract approach to network models of uncertainty. (SLIDES)
- *cancelled*
Fatemeh Mohammadi: A Family of Quasisymmetry Models. - Apoorva Khare: Critical exponents of graphs. (SLIDES)
- Daniel Irving Bernstein: Hierarchical models: normality and related properties. (SLIDES)
- Ruriko Yoshida: The facets of the cut polytope and the extreme rays of cone of concentration matrices of certain graphs. (SLIDES)
Sunday Oct 4th, 8:30am - 11:00am
- Seth Sullivant: Algebraic geometry of Gaussian graphical models. (SLIDES)
- Dane Wilburne: Markov Bases for Poisson and Multinomial Logistic Regression Models. (SLIDES)
- Tobias Windisch: Rapid mixing and Markov bases. (SLIDES)
- Alberto Caimo: Approximate Monte Carlo algorithms for social network models. (SLIDES)
- Vishesh Karwa: What is the core distribution of a graph telling us? (SLIDES)
Sunday Oct 4th, 1:30pm-4:00pm
- Zoltan Toroczkai: Constrained Graph Construction Problems for Network Modeling. (SLIDES)
- Alessandro Rinaldo: Random Networks, Graphical Models, and Exchangeability. (SLIDES)
- Johannes Rauh: Exponential random graphs and their polytopes. (SLIDES)
- Shahrzad (Sara) Jamshidi: The algebraic geometry of tree tensor network states and the Hamiltonian problem.
Object classification based on the representativeness heuristic.