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MATH 332, section 01: Elementary Linear Algebra

Syllabus - overview of course policies

Class time The class meets 11:25 am - 12:40 on MW in Life Science building, room 240.
Instructor Sonja Petrović
Office: E1, 111a
Office hours: Wednesdays 12:45-1:45, Fridays 11:20-12:50, or by appointment.
TA The graduate teaching assistant for this course is Jagadeeswaran Rathinavel
Office hours: Mathematics Graduate Teaching Assistants are avaialble in the shared Office: E1 129. Jagadeeswaran's office hours are Monday: 3.00 to 4.40 and Thursday: 10.00 to 11.20. You can veiw the full TA schedule and contact information here .
Attendance Regular class attendance and class participation is important and expected. You are expected to come to lectures, participate in discussions, read the textbook (including examples not covered in class), and ask questions.
Students are responsible for all announcements and supplements given within any lecture. All cell phones must be turned off before entering the classroom. Technology use policy will be discussed on the first day of class.
In-class exams
There will be three hour exams during the semester.
Exam dates and topics covered will be announced on the course homepage and in class. Make-up exams will be given only in case of a documented emergency.
Final exam A comprehensive final exam will be given during the IIT final exam week.
Our scheduled exam time is TUESDAY, December 3, 8-10 a.m.
Homework Homework problems will be posted on the course website once a week, typically on a Wednesday. The homework will be due one week later, at the beginning of class. In addition, there might be reading homework assigned during lectures.
How to work on homework problems: You are encouraged to work in groups and are allowed to discuss homework problems with another student in Math 332, the TA, an IIT ARC tutor, or the instructor. However, the solutions should be written by you alone, and if you worked with another student, you should write their name on the front page of the homework submissio as a collaborator.
Important note: Solutions to homework problems and exams must be written clearly, legibly, and concisely and will be graded on mathematical correctness and presentation. Points will be deducted for sloppiness, incoherent or insufficient explanation, or for lack of supporting rationale. Include enough detail in your solutions so that your explanation is convincing to someone who hasn’t thought about the problem before. The proofs/ arguments should be presented so that your classmates could read them and follow the logic (step-by-step).
Grade components:
Homework: 25 %
Three hour exams: 15 % each
Final exam: 30 %
Tentative grading distribution:
A: 90-100; B: 80-89; C: 70-79; D: 60-69; E: 0-59.