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MATH 332, section 01: Elementary Linear Algebra

Some general advice

Never underestimate the importance of asking questions. Try getting used to identifying problems you might be having with the material early. You can get help from your instructor, the TA, the student tutors at ARC - we are all here to help you learn and succeed. But, we cannot help you if you don't take the initiative to ask first.

Using discussion forums: Have you found the discussion forums on Blackboard yet? Log into the site, and post your question; or better yet, browse through other students' questions and post your answers. The forums will be reviewed by the professor frequently to make sure everyone is on the right track.
  • We are all members of the IIT academic community. We should treat each other with respect and use proper ethics in our work.
  • Refrain from talking in class and in general avoid behavior that will distract others’ attention.
  • Academic Integrity: By writing your name on your work you certify that you have adhered to the homework and lab policy, and that all exam work is your own without any unauthorized assistance or aids. The Code of Conduct in the IIT Student Handbook applies, and violations will be prosecuted accordingly. Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated.
  • Missed Work: Assignments/exams/labs cannot be made up except as approved by the instructor (e.g., due to official IIT activity or documented emergency). An exam missed for an excused reason must be presented to the instructor promptly upon the students return.
1. Attend class every day. In class, your instructor highlights essential material in each section,
gives examples, and encourages students' questions and discussion.
2. Prepare for class by reading the text in advance. Even if you cannot follow all of the details, a first reading will help orient you for the lecture and give you a chance to formulate your own questions for the instructor. After class you should reread the sections and work on the assigned homework problems.
3. Do the homework.
You should not expect to pass this course unless you have solved all assigned problems completely and accurately.
4. Don't get behind.
Mathematics and statistics courses, like language courses, are cumulative, and build on material already covered.
5. Realize that problem solving consists of two steps:
- discovering how to solve a problem, and
- writing up the solution in a logical, step-by-step fashion.
Both of these steps are essential; be sure to allocate enough time for each.
Avoid common mistakes:
6. Don't ask for an extra-credit activity if you have performed poorly on homework or exams.
Instead, come see me as soon as problems arise so that we can discuss the course material
as well as study strategies, time management, and any other factors that may be affecting your performance in the course.
7. Don't cheat. The minimum penalty for cheating is a failing grade in the course.
8. Don't assume that a vague understanding of a problem is sufficient.
Mathematics/statistics is about careful, correct, step-by-step reasoning.