Spring '03 Math 220 (Section 502)

Copyright notification: All materials posted on these pages (index, homework, and quiz) are exclusively for individual academic use by students enrolled in my courses. Commercial use, including sale to or by any agency, is strictly forbidden, and prosecutable by law. All rights are reserved.

Instructor:   Dr. Robert Ellis   222 Milner Hall   rellis@math.tamu.edu   845-7803
Office hours:   T 1:30-2:30pm, W1-2pm, R 11-11:50am   (Email checked M-F during working hours)


5/14/03: Most links have been deactivated except the final grades and final exam key. Requests for old exams and keys by students in this class can be sent by email.

5/7/03: Final exam grades and class percentages are posted. Letter grades have not been assigned -- access Bonfire for that information. You may stop by Thursday or Friday if you would like to view your final; calling or emailing ahead is recommended to make sure I am in.

Exam and Class Schedule

Lecture: TR 3:55-5:10pm, Blocker 164

Exam 1

Exam 2

Exam 3

Final (key)





5/6/03 1-3pm


BLOC 164

BLOC 164

BLOC 164

BLOC 164

Homework assignments
Quiz dates and solutions

page maintained by Robert Ellis / http://www.math.tamu.edu/~rellis/ / rellis@math.tamu.edu