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College of Science Dean's teaching excellence award, 2017.

College of Science university teaching excellence award, 2018.

Learning is not based on repetition, but discovery.

Brief guide for students:

`It is easy to look sharp if you have not done any work.' - sharp pencil image online -
  • Come to class ready to learn, ready to think, and ready to communicate.
  • Be prepared to communicate clearly; if you are not used to writing and talking about mathematics and statistics, you need to make an effort to express yourself and explain your problem.
  • You can expect my office hours to often turn into a discussion forum. Be prepared to ask and answer each others' questions; think of your professor as a guide in helping you discover and learn about mathematics and statistics.
  • Study groups are encouraged. You may be surprised to find that other students struggle with the same concepts as you do!
  • To the extent possile in a large class, I would like to tailor the motivating examples to your interests. So, be prepared to let me know about yourself, your interests, majors, where you come from, and why you are taking this course.
  • You will be receiving written feedback, usually on quizzes or homework. If many of you make a common mistake/ have a similar problem, you can expect to receive feedback about that either during the lecture, or via online communication (on Angel).
  • It is your responsibility to attend all lectures, take notes, and ask questions when something is unclear. My lectures usually follow the book closely, and I expect you to read the textbook as the semester progresses.
Learner-centered principles, individualtiy and diveristy are all crucial factors that contribue to a better classroom.
I hope you will enjoy our journey into discovering the beauty of mathematics and statistics.