Math 563: Mathematical Statistics
Special statement regarding the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
We are asked to suddenly teach online. While I am confident this can be a relatively good experinece, there is also a general worry about social isolation and its impacts on our daily lives, routines, and livelihood. I will try my best to pool resources from professional development courses for teaching online I've taken a few years ago, and I'll try to use some of those strategies to "ease the distance" as much as possible. I understand this is difficult. I'll do my best. Please let me know immediately if you have issues with the online classes etc. This whole thing is DISRUPTIVE. To all of us. I can't imagine how stressed out you might be. I am sorry.I plan to hold a weekly "coffee hour". This will not be an office hour, and will not be mandatory. I'll just have my coffee, hangout in my Google Meet room, and wait for people to drop in, vent, talk, ... it's meant as a de-stress zone, if that makes sense. Please understand I do understand how disruptive this must be for you. It certainy has been and continues to be for me.
If you feel disappointed or crushed or pressured about what's happening to the rest of your semester- I hear you. I feel you. I'm sorry. I want to be as helpful as possible. Please let me know how I can help. Please also reach out to anyone in the Applied Math deparmtent at IIT. If you are wondering how to 'find' people:
- check out the virtual math tutoring center where our TAs hold office hours,
- tune into my live office hours,
- join me for the coffee hour,
- and also don't forget the weekly Math Tea that is now happening online!
- Google Meet for lectures,
- shared videos of my notes/lecture via Explain Everything EDU,
- homework submiossion on Google Classroom, and
- continue to use Campuswire for an online discussion forum!