Math 431/530: Computational Algebraic Geometry // Applied/Computational Algebra
Syllabus - Course Overview
Time&place |
The class meets 11:25 am - 12:40 pm TR Location: RE-102. |
Description |
In this course we will discuss systems of polynomial equations (ideals), their solution sets (varieties), and how these objects can be effectively manipulated (algorithms). This is a proofs-based course which treats structure, properties and realtionships of these objects. Writing and communicating mathematics is an important part of the course.
Prerequisites |
Math 230 Introduction to Discrete Mathematics or Math 332 Elementary Linear Algebra. In particular, familiarity with proofs and mathematical structures. (Note: our textbook says it assumes knowledge of linear algebra. If you have not taken 332 yet and are worried about matrices - you probably met a matrix or two in your calculus courses. You should be able to catch up on the concepts needed in our text; ask, and you will be provided background information on such topics if they arise.) |
Instructor | Sonja Petrović
Office: E1, 111a Office hours: Mondays 11:30-12:30 and by appointment. e-contact: The best way to e-communicate with the instructor is via Campuswire (here is the sign-up link). If you must email, please use and put the course number in the subject line. Your message will generally be answered within 1-2 business days, but generally more efficiently on Campuswire! |
Graduate assistant |
The graduate assistant for this course is
William Schwartz,
who will hold office hours on Thursdays noon to 3pm, at the usual math graduate TA office RE-129. e-contact: The best way to contact the TA is to post a note on Campuswire. For particular homework grading inquiries: |