Help @ARC

The ARC provides the following free services:
- Peer tutoring for a wide range of courses
- Exam reviews
- Supplement Instruction
- Workshops and Seminars
- Group study
- Computing and Printing
Location: Hermann Hall Building-First Floor (Northwest Corner) Room HH-112
Telephone: (312) 567-5216

Software help

JMP software is available to students at IIT labs on campus.

Download R, and to read about it, click on the link "What is R"?

Downloadable Books on R: An Introduction to R, by William N. Venables, David M. Smith and the R Development Core Team; Using R for Data Analysis and Graphics - Introduction, Code and Commentary, by John H. Maindonald.
See also Prof. Yang's post on learning R in 15 minutes.

Help with typing math: TeX, etc.

You are encouraged to type your assignments. You can access LaTeX in the computer labs; more information and help can be found on this departmental page. Note: for Macs, I recommend TeXShop.
You might also consider using the what-you-see-is-what-you-get text editor TeXmacs; it makes it unnecessary for you to learn the LaTeX typesetting language while producing output of comparable quality. The program is freely downloadable, available for various platforms, able to import and export LaTeX files, and offers a plugin for some software packages.

Math 476/563: Mathematical Statistics

Course material

Textbook The goal is to cover at least chapters 7,8,9,10,14,11 of the book Wackerly, Mendhall, Scheaffer. Mathematical Statistics with Applications . Cengage, 7th edition. 978-0495110811.
Software Some of the assignments in this course will involve the use of statistical computing systems. No previous experience with computer programming is assumed, but I expect that you are able and willing to familiarize yourself with the use of the program of your choice.

You can use the JMP software which is available to students in IIT labs.
From time to time, I will use R to show examples; R is free to download at For graduate students, use of R is strongly recommended.

The instructor's software of choice for this course will be R.

Additional Here is a great book (at the graduate level): Statistical inference, 2nd edition, by George Casella nad Roger L. Berger.