Selected announcements

Help @ARC

The ARC provides the following free services:
- Peer tutoring for a wide range of courses
- Exam reviews
- Supplement Instruction
- Workshops and Seminars
- Group study
- Computing and Printing
Location: Hermann Hall Building-First Floor (Northwest Corner) Room HH-112
Telephone: (312) 567-5216

Help with typing math: TeX, etc.

You are encouraged to type your assignments. You can access LaTeX in the computer labs; more information and help can be found on this departmental page. Note: for Macs, I recommend TeXShop.
You might also consider using the what-you-see-is-what-you-get text editor TeXmacs; it makes it unnecessary for you to learn the LaTeX typesetting language while producing output of comparable quality. The program is freely downloadable, available for various platforms, able to import and export LaTeX files, and offers a plugin for Macaulay 2.

Math 430: Applied Algebra

Syllabus - Course Overview

Time&place The class meets 10am-11:15am TR
Location: E1 106.
Description In this course we will cover the basics of abstract algebra and some of its applications. Topics include: Introduction to groups, homomorphisms, group actions, rings, field theory. Applications, including constructions with ruler and compass, solvability by radicals, error correcting codes.
Prerequisites Prerequisites: MATH 230
Concurrent prerequisite: MATH 332.

Textbook: Derek J. S. Robinson, An introduction to abstract algebra. ISBN-13: 978-3110175448 ISBN-10: 3110175444.

Instructor Sonja Petrović
Office: E1, 111a
Office hours: Tuesdays 12:30-1:30pm; Thursdays 11:30am-12:30.
e-contact: The best way to e-communicate with the instructor is via Piazza - it is set up so that you can log into it from Blackboard directly; simply follow the "GO HERE FIRST" link on the course main menu on Blackboard. If you must email, please use and put the course number in the subject line. Your message will generally be answered within 48 hours.
Graduate assistant The grader for this course is Zena Drakou.
The graduate assistant will hold one office hour per week, schedule TBD.
e-contact: The best way to contact the grader is to post a note on Piazza. For particular homework grading inquiries, you may use email: .