Math 476: Statistics and Math 563: Mathematical Statistics
Homework information and instructions
Homework assignments will be posted at least one week before the due date. It is your responsibility to check the course page on Blackboard to obtain the assigned problems.This class is made up of both undergraduate and graduate students, and since graduate students are expected to invest a bit more time/effort in the course than undergraduate students (difference in credit hours, etc), they will typically be assigned one or more additional homework problems. To make the bookÂkeeping easier, please indicate at the top of your homework submissions which group you are in—undergraduate or graduate.
How to work on homework problems:
Work in groups and get help: You are encouraged to work in groups and are allowed to discuss homework problems with another student in the course, the TA, an IIT ARC tutor, or the instructor. However, the solutions should be written by you alone, and if you worked with another student, you should write their name on the front page of the homework submission as a collaborator. Otherwise, it can be consdered plagiarism and you may receive no credit.Particpate actively: Visit the course discussion forums on Blackboard, where you can discuss unclear examples, homework problems, lecture questions, etc. with your peers. I will watch the forums regularly and mediate as necessary. Try reading the discussions at least once a week, and posting a question or answering your fellow student's question at least once every other week. You will quickly see the benefits of this interaction!