Michael McCourt : mccomic@mcs.anl.gov (or mccomic@iit.edu)
Office : E1 105d
Office Hours : MW 10:00-1:00, TR 2:00-5:00
This section will contain information of more general interest. Examples include how to use PuTTY, WinSCP, the structure of makefiles, .bashrc and alias hints, and others. I'm still working on getting stuff up here, but it will
exist soon. Lemme know if there is info you want available that I haven't provided yet and I'll see what I can do.
PuTTY : This is a program which allows you to access a remote UNIX machine from Windows.
More Information is available including how to use PuTTY and what limitations it has.
WinSCP : This program gives you the ability to move files between your Windows machine and a UNIX server.
More Information is available including how to use WinSCP and integrate PuTTY within it.
X forwarding : This program gives you the ability to open images and GUIs from a remote server.
More Information is available including how to incoporate this into PuTTY.
Matlab : Understanding how to incoporate Matlab into your scientific computing
More Information is available to help you access Matlab algorithms from within PETSc or output PETSc objects in a Matlab format.
Karlin : Understanding how to login to Karlin to run parallel jobs at IIT
More Information is available to help you access Karlin easily with WinSCP.
Dual Boot : Fixing your bootloaders if you have Windows 7