CS 595 - Advanced Scientific Computing

Fall 2010

The Boss is: OUT

Site Map

Contact Information

  • Hong Zhang : hzhang@mcs.anl.gov
    • Office : SB 235C
    • Office Hours : R 3:00-5:30
  • Michael McCourt : mccomic@mcs.anl.gov (or mccomic@iit.edu)
    • Office : E1 105d
    • Office Hours : MW 10:00-1:00, TR 2:00-5:00

Homework 3

(text file containing these instructions)
  1. Read chapters in Numerical Linear Algebra. If you are having trouble understanding the ideas (and believe me, this is tough stuff) I'd be happy to discuss ideas with you or point you to other references.
  2. Conduct some hands on tests with PETSc. This material can also be found at /home/hzhang/PetscHandsOn on the ada.cs.iit.edu machine. Feel free to copy/paste some of these commands as it will help prevent typos. As always, anywhere you see #userid# you should put your user name.

    Set Up





