Math 420 - Assessment

Fall 2012

Instructor: Michael McCourt

Office: E1 105d

The Boss is: OUT

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Contact Information

  • Michael McCourt :
    • Office : E1 105d
    • Office Hours : MW 11-12

Applied Mathematics Student Assessment Form

For continuous improvement of its programs, the Applied Mathematics Department would like to obtain information that is somewhat different from that provided in the standard course evaluation. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey.

The results are totally confidential and I have no way of tracing them back to you. Because of this, I would have no idea if someone submitted multiple assessments, so please be sure to only click submit once. Thank you =)

Semester: FALL 2012
Did you understand what was expected of you in this course?
   5 (Yes) 4 3 2 1 (No)
Do you think that you achieved the learning objectives for the course?
   5 (Yes) 4 3 2 1 (No)
If you answered 1 or 2 to the previous question, which objective(s) did you not achieve?
   Students will develop a deep conceptual understanding of fundamental ideas and methods related to Euclidean geometry in two and three dimensions.
   Students will develop various problem solving approaches and strategies emphasizing multi-level geometric reasoning.
   Students will use formal axiomatic systems to construct and analyze proofs.
   Students will be provided with visual interpretations of the results.
   Students will be provided with non-trivial connections with the pre-college geometric concepts from an advanced viewpoint.
   Students will learn to present their ideas effectively, both through writing and oral presentations.
Were you adequately prepared to take this course by pre-requisite courses (if any)?
   5 (Yes) 4 3 2 1 (No)
If you answered "1" or "2" to the previous question, what topic(s) do you feel you should have been better prepared in by other courses?

What was the most valuable part of this course?

What would you change about this course?