Math 420 - Geometry

Fall 2012

Instructor: Michael McCourt

Office: E1 105d

The Boss is: OUT

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Contact Information

  • Michael McCourt :
    • Office : E1 105d
    • Office Hours : MW 11-12


The book that we are mainly using for this class is not the best book in the world. It's fine if you were only interested in very basic geometry, but we are going to try and cover a lot of material in this class: breadth instead of depth. You can follow up with whatever topics you find relevant, and hopefully you are all using the presentation portion of this class to expand your knowledge.

To supplement the existing data, I have posted some notes that I have either stolen from the internet, or Xeroxed from other books about geometry. Lemme know which of these you find useful, and which could be replaced. Some of these will be helpful/necessary for your homework assignment.