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In past versions of this course, the first two books especially have been recommended. The first, Andersen, is more tutorial in nature, good if you have had little experience with computers. The second, Robbins, is a reference, good to have handy.
All but the first are available electronically, if you don't mind reading onscreen. For all the eBooks, you must connect from a Cornell network; apparently many of them don't work on a Mac using Safari.

  • Just Enough Unix, 4th Edition, P. K. Andersen (on reserve in Engineering library (Carpenter))
  • UNIX in a Nutshell, A. Robbins (eBook, another eBook).
  • The Complete Idiot's Guide to UNIX, B. Wagner (eBook)
  • Learning the UNIX Operating System, G. Todino, et. al. (eBook)
  • Practical UNIX J. Koch, et. al. (eBook)
  • Mastering Unix Shell Scripting, R. K. Michael (eBook)
  • UNIX Shell Programming Tools, D. Medinets (eBook, eBook)
  • Sed & Awk Dale Dougherty and Arnold Robbins (eBook, pocket reference eBook).
  • Learning the vi Editor L. Lamb and A. Robbins (eBook)
  • GNU Emacs Pocket Reference D. Cameron (eBook)
There are also a boat load of websites out there which are more useful for quick fixes. Warning: I haven't updated this list in a while so some of sites may be defunct.
  • Linux/Unix Tutorial for Beginners - Pretty modern, up-to-date tutorial for getting up to speed quickly.
  • Linux Questions - A wiki with a lot of helpful info about both the fundamentals and some very advanced stuff including gaming, proprietary drivers, scripting and more.
  • Low Fat Linux - Lots of info, but not so easy to search through. Also has discussion about the concepts of Linux which may be interesting to you.
  • Really Linux - Lists of basic commands and what they do. This may be useful if you want to do something simple but don't know what the command is.
  • Computer Hope - Commands, information and help. This also contains some interesting material on the history of UNIX and comparisons to DOS.
  • - This is a link to a bash scripting tutorial which I found useful. I hope you do as well.
Below I've listed some files which I think have useful information in them. If there is something that you think would be valuable and I haven't listed it, lemme know and I'll see what I can do for you.
  • Screen Tips (.2MB) - Includes all the stuff we went over in class, plus a few things which we didn't.
  • Regular Expressions, sed, awk (6.2MB) - Info about filters, and how to use regular expressions.
  • Cheat Sheet (.5MB) - Some basics together on a single page.
  • Lecture 9 TeX File (11kB) - Someone asked how I was making the slides for the class, so I've posted this TeX file which produced Lecture 9.
Here are a couple useful pieces of software for those of you using Windows.
  • Putty - A tool for ssh from your Windows machine to a Linux server. It can handle SSH keys although we won't need those for this class.
  • WinSCP - It stands for Windows Secure Copy, and that's what it does. Use it to move files between your Windows machine and a Linux server. Can be hooked up to Putty so that a shell opens at the same time as your file tranfer session.