47th Midwest Graph Theory Conference
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL
(Supported by
the Department of Applied Mathematics
and the College of Science and Letters
at IIT,
and the College of Computing and Digital Media at DePaul University)

[full detail]
[Photo with Names on Mouseover!]
[Titles and Abstracts]
[Giving a talk]
[Main MIGHTY Webpage]
Rob Ellis, IIT
Hemanshu Kaul, IIT
Michael Pelsmajer, IIT
Marcus Schaefer, Depaul CDM
mightyfall08 AT gmail DOT com with any/all questions, please.
Friday, November 7, 6:00pm-9:00pm
Reception at
The Bog.
The Bog is located down the stairway in the southeast part of Hermann Hall.
Saturday, November 8, 7:45am-6:00pm
Life Sciences Building, which is on the southwest corner of 31st and State streets. The entrance is on the south side.
[Schedule + Abstracts (Hyperlinked PDF)]
[Schedule Only (PDF)]
You can pick up registration materials Friday night or Saturday morning.
There will be coffee in the morning, and coffee breaks later.
Saturday lunch: Go to Furama for dim sum ($10). (There are other options on/near campus.)
Saturday night: On your own, but we will help organize groups for dinner.
Travel Information
New! Mighty Map
Map and Directions to IIT
[Google maps]
All talks are in the Life Sciences building. The Bog is in Hermann Hall. [Campus Map]
IIT's campus is easily accessible by car or by public transportation (Red or Green line on CTA, also see trip planner).
Parking map [PDF]
(lots A2V and A4 are metered 7am-7pm and free 7pm-7am). Street parking on Michigan and Indiana is free, and usually available. For a temporary permit for on-campus parking, see the IIT Parking website and [0][1][2][3].
- Mustafa Atici, Western Kentucky University
- Laszlo Babai, University of Chicago
- Jay Bagga, Ball State University
- Amlan Barua, IIT
- Michael Barrus, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- Lowell Beineke, Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne
- Oluyato Boyinbode, Ball State University
- Christine Cheng, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
- Eddie Cheng, Oakland University
- Jeong Ok Choi, Furman University
- Paolo Codenotti, University of Chicago
- Todd Dang, IIT
- Dimitris Diochnos, University of Illinois at Chicago
- Rob Ellis, IIT
- Anne Freudenthal, IIT
- Pauline Fotso, Ball State University
- Dave Galvin, University of Notre Dame
- Peter Hamburger, Western Kentucky University
- Glenn Harris, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
- Adrian Heinz, Ball State University
- Lou Ibarra, DePaul CDM
- Tao Jiang, Miami University
- YoungJu Jo, IIT
- Garry Johns, Saginaw Valley State University
- Darin Johnson, Southern Illinois University Carbondale
- Sanjiv Kapoor, IIT
- Jon Konvalina, University of Nebraska at Omaha
- Hemanshu Kaul, IIT
- Cory Knapp, IIT
- Hannah Kolb, IIT
- Raghav Kulkarni, University of Chicago
- Mohit Kumbhat, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- Josh Lambert, North Dakota State University
- Eugene Lamie, IIT
- Hao Li, West Virginia University
- Yanting Liang, West Virginia University
- Hong Liu, IIT
- Jingran Liu, IIT
- Andrew Lyons, University of Chicago/Argonne National Laboratory
- Dave Maharry, Wabash College
- John Maharry, The Ohio State University at Marion
- Terry McKee, Wright State University
- Kevin Milans, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- Dhruv Mubayi, University of Illinois at Chicago
- Yacin Nadji, IIT
- Suil O, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- Sibel Ozkan, Michigan Technological University
- Michael Pelsmajer, IIT
- Ljubomir Perkovic, DePaul CDM
- Dan Pritikin, Miami University
- Gregory Puleo, Rochester Institute of Technology
- Ilya Safro, Argonne National Lab
- Marcus Schaefer, DePaul CDM
- Andrew Schwartz, Southeast Missouri State University
- Yehong Shao, Ohio University Southern
- Nart Shawash, University of Detroit
- Jian Shen, Texas State
- Janos Simon, University of Chicago
- Stacy Staples, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
- Despina Stasi, University of Illinois at Chicago
- Chris Stocker, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- Yihan Su, IIT
- Ozgur Sumer, University of Chicago
- Yuxiang Tan, IIT
- Bridget Tenner, DePaul University
- Robert (Chip) Vandell, Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne
- William R. Vautaw, Saginaw Valley State University
- Matt Walsh, Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne
- W. Douglas Weakley, Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne
- Paul Wenger, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- Doug West, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- Huiya Yan, West Virginia University
As is the custom at MIGHTY conference, registration is free.
However, we ask that you register by email by October 24. In the email, please give your name, department & university, and whether you expect to attend Friday's reception (free) and lunch ($10) at "Furama" Saturday.
Giving a talk
Talks will be 15 minutes long, plus a few minutes for questions. We welcome submissions on any topic in graph theory.
Reviving an old MIGHTY tradition, we encourage talks on work-in-progress, as well as presentations of finished work.
If you are thinking
about speaking, please email us as soon as possible to indicate your
interest. Titles & abstracts are due October 24.
There will be a laptop and digital projector, as well as an overhead projector, and a whiteboard.
There are several options.
IIT has deals with a few hotels downtown:
Quarters (two downtown locations, $129/night, you must mention "Illinois Institute of Technology")
[More hotels]
On campus, there are several guest rooms available:
Guest Suites
You might try using an online hotel finder. Using Kayak.com, we found two reasonable, inexpensive hotels:
- Chinatown Hotel SRO Ltd. $86/night (1 stop from IIT on Red Line, 2 stops from downtown)
- Travelodge Hotel Downtown Chicago $99/night: (south part of downtown, 2 blocks from Red Line, 2 stops from IIT)
(There are many cheaper ones, too, but not so well-located.)
Sharing a room
If you are interested in sharing a room with another participant, email us and we will help you make connections with others like you.
If you don't mind sharing a room with strangers, there's a very inexpensive, nice-looking hostel downtown. (No age restriction)
Last updated on December 19, 2008