Supplementary Materials for "Goodness-of-fit for log-linear network models: Dynamic Markov bases using hypergraphs"

This code has now migrated to GitHub, where we will also continue to work on extending it to other models and examples.

This webpage contains supplementary material for the paper ``Goodness-of-fit for log-linear network models: Dynamic Markov bases using hypergraphs'' by Elizabeth Gross, Sonja Petrovic, and Despina Stasi (arXiv link).
In particualr, this page provides the R code necessary to carry out the p-value computations discussed in the paper.

Functions implementing Algorithms 1-5 for the p1 model

Description File
This file contains all functions needed to run Algorithms 1-5, including additional auxiliary functions for storing the data from a random walk. All functions are described within the file. p1walk.R

Functions for analyzing the examples

Description File
This file contains the graph from Figure 5 and code to obtain simulation results from Section 4.1. OHT.R