MATH 430-001 Applied Algebra (Ellis) Fall 2008

Skip down to homework assignments Skip down to daily class activities
Instructor: Robert Ellis Office: E1 Bldg, Rm 105C Email:


TR 3:15-4:30pm E1 Bldg. 102

Office Hours

Just drop in.
T/R after 2pm short questions only, please. (Department Seminar M 4:40
Discrete Seminar T 4:40)
Office phone 567-5336
Appointments and emailed questions are welcome


Gallian, Contemporary Abstract Algebra, 6th edition, Houghton Mifflin

First day handout (pdf) (course contract & exam schedule)

Exam 1 Exam 1 Key Exam 2 Exam 2 Key Final Exam Final Key
Practice Exams
Term Exam 1 Exam 2 Exam 3 Final
Fall `06 exam, key key exam, key exam, key

Resources tailored for the textbook


Daily Class Activities
Date Overheads/Handouts Group Activities3
R 8/21 Chapter 0: Divisors (due 8/26)
R T/26 Chapter 0 Reading Quiz
Chapter 0 Theorems and Proofs
R 8/28 Chapter 1 Reading Quiz
Chapter 1 Plane Symmetries
Chapter 1: Symmetry (due T 9/2)
T 9/2 Chapter 2A Reading Quiz
Chapter 2A: Groups (due T 9/9)
R 9/4 Chapter 2B Reading Quiz
Chapter 2: the group U(n)
Chapter 2B: Groups (due T 9/11)
T 9/9 Chapter 3A Reading Quiz Chapter 3A: Subroups (due T 9/16)
T 9/16 Chapter 3B Reading Quiz Chapter 3B: Subroups (due T 9/23)
R 9/11 Chapter 3C/4A Reading Quiz
R 9/18 Chapter 4B Reading Quiz Chapter 3C/4A: Subroups/Cyclic Groups (due T 9/23)
T 9/23 Chapter 4C Reading Quiz
Chapter 4 Theorems and Proofs
Template for cut-and-paste tetrahedron
Chapter 4B: Cyclic Groups (due T 9/30)
R 9/25 Chapter 5A Reading Quiz
T 9/30 Chapter 5B Reading Quiz Chapter 4C: Cyclic Groups (due R 10/2)
Chapter 5A: Permutations (due T 10/7)
Chapter 5B: Permutations (due R 10/9)
Template for a tetrahedron
R 10/2 Continuation of previous day's material
T 10/7 UPCOMING ON 10/13/08:
UIC Seminar: Dr. Karen Vogtmann
Map to seminar, 4pm Lecture Center D4
3pm Reception, SEO 300
5:15pm: Q&A with UIC faculty and graduate students about graduate school
Directions by CTA
Chapter 5C: Permutations (due T 10/14)
R 10/9 Chapter 5C Reading Quiz
Chapter 5 Theorems
Chapter 5C: Permutations (due T 10/14)
T 10/14 Chapter 6A Reading Quiz
Cayley's Theorem
Chapter 6 Theorem 6.2
Chapter 6A: Isomorphisms (due T 10/21)
T 10/21 Exam 1, Exam 1 Key
R 10/23 Chapter 6B Reading Quiz Chapter 6B: Isomorphisms Permutations (due T 10/28)
T 10/28 Chapter 7A Reading Quiz
Inn(A_4), Aut(G) and Inn(G) are groups, Aut(Z_n) isomorphic to U(n)
Chapter 7A: Cosets and Lagrange's Theorem (due T 11/4)
R 10/30 Chapter 7B Reading Quiz Chapter 7B: Cosets and Lagrange's Theorem (due T 11/11)
R 11/6 Chapter 7C/8A Reading Quiz
Orbit-Stabilizer Theorem and consequences
T 11/11 Chapter 8B Reading Quiz
Theorems 8.1-8.2 on external direct product groups
Chapter 8A: External Direct Products (due R 11/13)
Chapter 8B: External Direct Products (due T 11/18)
R 11/13 Chapter 8C Reading Quiz Chapter 8C: External Direct Products (due T 11/18)
T 11/18 Chapter 9A Reading Quiz
Chapter 9 Theorems (9.1, 9.2)
Chapter 9A: Normal Subgroups (due T 12/2)
R 11/20 Chapter 9B Reading Quiz Chapter 9B: Normal Subgroups (due R 12/4)
T 12/2
Chapter 9 Theorems (9.3, 9.4)
Chapter 9C: Normal Subgroups (Optionally due F 12/5 at 4:30pm in my mailbox for return Monday 12/8)
R 12/4 Chapter 10A Reading Quiz
Chapther 10 Theorems
Chapter 10A: Homomorphisms (Optionally due F 12/5 at 4:30pm in my mailbox for return Monday 12/8)
Date Overheads/Handouts Group Activities3
Daily Class Activities

Homework Due Dates

cover sheet (use this for each homework or hand-write something similar).
Due Date Reading1 Group Homework2
T 8/26 Chapter 0 (Preliminaries)
R 8/28 Chapter 1 (Intro to Groups) Chapter 0: 2, 4, 8, 16, 24, 30, 36, 48, 53, Computer Exercise 5.
(53 has a brief solution in the text; I am looking for a full, clear written solution.)
T 9/2 Chapter 2 (Groups):
through first paragraph, p.50
R 9/4 Chapter 2 (Groups) Chapter 1: 6, 8, 14, 16
Problem A: Give an example of a glide reflection, composed of a nontrivial reflection and nontrivial translation, that is a plane symmetry of a bounded figure (such as the square). Label the operations and appropriate distances in a diagram, and give the equivalent reflection.
Problem B: Describe how to generate an infinite hexagonal lattice from a single hexagon and plane symmetries. Then describe the set of plane symmetries of the lattice.
T 9/9 Chapter 3 (Finite Groups; Subgroups):
through end of Theorem 3.3
R 9/11 Chapter 3 (Finite Groups; Subgroups) Chapter 2: 6, 8, 12, 14, 18, 26, 32, 34 (Hint: associativity is inherited);
Computer exercise 4, p57 (Write details!)
T 9/16 Read through Chapter 3B: Subroups &
Chapter 4 pp73--76 (Cyclic Groups)
R 9/18 Chapter 4 (Cyclic Groups) Chapter 3: 4, 8, 10, 14, 20, 30, 38, 42, 44, 50, 52
Computer Exercise, p.71: 2
(Get started early -- I am expecting questions!)
T 9/23 Review Chapter 4, especially "Fundamental" Theorem 4.3
R 9/25 Chapter 5 pp94--99 (Permutation Groups) Chapter 4: 14, 16, 24, 28 (see 12), 32, 36, 40, 46, 50, 54 (see 40)
R 10/2 Chapter 5 pp94--103 (Permutation Groups) Chapter 4: 44, 50 58, 64
Ch4 Computer Exercises (write down data!): 3, 5
Ch 1-4 Suppl. Ex. (p90): 4, 34
Ch5 Permutation Groups: 2, 4, 8
T 10/7 Chapter 5 all pages (Permutation Groups)
R 10/9 Chapter 5 all pages (Permutation Groups)
Turn in Chapter 5B: Permutations
Chapter 5: 6, 14, 18, 26, 32, 34, 36, 46
Ch4 Computer Exercise (write down data): 1
T 10/14 Chapter 6 pp120-129
R 10/16 Fall Break, no class
T 10/21 Exam 1 on Chapters 0-5 and material in Chapter 6 covered on T 10/14 All 2nd tries on group activities through 5B are due
R 10/23 Chapter 6 all pages Chapter 5: 38, 42, 50, 54
Chapter 6: 6, 18, 22
T 10/28 Chapter 7 through Corollary 5 of Lagrange's Theorem
R 10/30 Chapter 7 all pages Chapter 6: 10, 14, 26, 38, 40
R 11/6 Chapter 7 p144-147, Chapter 8 p153-155
T 11/11 Chapter 8 all pages Chapter 7: 4, 6, 10, 12, 18, 38, 42
Chapter 7 Computer Exercise: 1 (write down data)
R 11/13 Chapter 8 all pages, particularly 159-165 Chapter 8: 4, 6, 12, 20
T 11/18 Chapter 9, p177-185
R 11/20 Chapter 9, all pages Chapter 8: 38, 40, 44, 52, 58, 64
Chapter 9: 2, 8, 10, 12, 14
T 11/25 Exam 2, Chapter 5 through Group Activity 8C
Not intended as "cumulative", but unavoidably it will contain Chapter 1-4 material
T 12/2 No reading assignment  
R 12/4 Chapter 10 through p.205 Homework not for grade, optional turn-in 4:30pm Friday for feedback (what does this mean?4 )
This material will be on the final!
Chapter 9: 4, 21, 24, 32, 34, 36, 39, 44, 50, 52, 58, 66
Chapter 10: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10

1. Each day starting 8/26 except for exam days the quiz dice will be rolled. On a 2, 3, 4, or 5, a quiz will be given covering the reading due that day.

2. See the first day handout for instructions on working and submitting group homework.

3. Group activity worksheets are due for a participation grade. They will be graded for correctness, and you will have one chance for resubmitting correct work.

4. Feedback on last work. Work as a group and turn in the problems you are not sure about for feedback. Don't turn in the problems you are sure of. Being sure means being sure of every step along the way. If there look like too many problems try a couple and skip a couple, etc.

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