MATH 152-003 Calculus II Fall `07 Lab and Recitation Assignments (Ellis)

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Lab assignments will be started in lab the week before they are due. You will have 75 minutes to work on the lab while the instructor and TA are present and available to help.

However, on the due date the lab assignments must be turned in at the beginning of the lab period.

Lab and Recitation Assignments (right-click; "Save link as...")

Assignment Due Date
Introductory Labs: Basic commands, Integral tutor In lab, not to turn in
Recitation Problems 1
Sect. 7.1, p420: 29, 39
Sect. 7.2*, p458: 57, 67
Tuesday, 9/4/07
Lab 1 9/28/07, at 10am in class
Recitation Problems 2
Sect. 7.3*, p465: 45
Sect. 7.4*, p475: 43
Sect. 7.5, p483: 67
Sect. 7.7, p501: 41
Tuesday, 9/18/07
Lab 2 10/9/07, at 10am in lab
Recitation Problems 3
Sect. 8.1, p517: 33
Sect. 8.2, p524: 29
Sect. 8.3, p530: 7
Sect. 8.4, p540: 29
Tuesday, 10/2/07
Lab 3 11/6/07, at 10am in recitation
Recitation Problems 4
Sect. 8.8, p574: 13
Sect. 10.1, p627: 3
Sect. 10.2, p635: 23
Sect. 10.3, p643: 11
Tuesday, 10/16/07
Recitation Problems 5
Sect. 10.5, p665: 7
Sect. 10.6, p672: 19
Sect. 11.1, p693: 9
Sect. 11.2, p702: 11
Tuesday, 11/6/07
Lab 4 11/27/07, at 10am in lab
Recitation Problems 6
Sect. 12.1 p746: 31
Sect. 12.2 p756: 53
Sect. 12.3 p765: 31
Sect. 12.4 p770: 25
Tuesday, 11/27/07

Note: Following the recitation policy, during the semester you must fully work and explain one problem at the board in recitation. The TA will ask for volunteers for a problem, and will randomly select someone to work the problem who has not had an opportunity before. Problems must be worked concisely and correctly with well-formatted boardwork, with a level of explanation directed toward your fellow students. You may refer to notes, but reading your explanation directly from the paper is not allowed. After everyone has had an opportunity, those who wish to replace a previous score may work another problem.

page maintained by Robert Ellis