Relevant Logos

Here are some logos that have been used on previous presentations and posters of mine. They are scaled down to a width of 400px so that you can see the whole pictures - some of these are very large.
ANL_logo.jpg 1935x729 256kB
ANL_logo.png 597x203 38kB
Cornell_logo.gif 1280x1245 39kB
Cornell_logo_large.png 1280x1245 43kB
doe-logo_awesome.png 400x399 108kB
DOEscience.png 309x95 56kB
iitlogo.png 1000x866 49kB
iitlogo_name.jpg 4200x1050 1238kB
LLNL_logo.jpg 226x223 35kB
LLNL_logo_large.png 226x223 97kB
MyScidaclogo.jpg 1740x600 346kB
OfficeOfScience-Logo.png 720x559 56kB
tops.png 298x185 24kB