In following with trends in the past 5 years, we have move all of this content to GitHub.
Please visit to clone.
If you are working on this topic and would like to contribute, we are always interested in pull requests!
Deprecated Content
Welcome to the GaussQR software website, developed both to facilitate experimentation with positive definite
kernels (radial basis functions) and as supplemental content for the new book Kernel-Based Approximation Methods
in MATLAB available from World Scientific Press.
Although we are always updating our software library, we are happy to announce the release of the GaussQR 2.0 library
(previously called RBF-QR) which has a host of brand new examples designed to demonstrate topics in our book. The upgrade
should be relatively painless if you have been keeping up with the repository, although some adjustment is needed if you
were still running rbfqr-1.3. Please contact us if you have difficulty using this, or if inconsistencies appear.
Stable Code
For those of you who want to see what the code looks like, you can download the latest stable version below:
If you have any issues, feel free to email or with questions.
This code is infrequently, if ever, run on a Mac, so be warned. There shouldn't be any issues on OS X (because it is Unix based)
but I'm not a Mac expert.
Code Development Repository
For those of you interested in running the latest version of the code, which is quite volatile, you may feel free to access
the Mercurial repository we have set up. The website is this address. For those of you who are command line fans, the line is
Those of you using a Windows machine can either access HG through Cygwin or download TortoiseHG.
Changes are being made to this code often, so it might break something you have written. On the other hand if you have code requests,
we would send you a response through the repository.