Math 121 - Business Math II

Spring 2011

Instructor: Michael McCourt

Office: E1 105d

The Boss is: OUT

Site Map

Contact Information

  • Michael McCourt :
    • Office : E1 105d
    • Office Hours : MW 10:00-1:00/3:30-5:00, TR 3:00-5:00
  • Lan Jiang :
    • Office : E1 234
    • Office Hours : M 12:30-1:30

Course Assessment

For those of you who did not attend the final lecture, there is a small survey that I would ask you to fill out. In addition to the IIT course evaluations that I'm sure you have already been told about, the math department also does our own assessment to determine how classes can be changed in the future.

Please only fill this out if you did not complete this survey in class.

Also, for some reason I can't get this survey working correctly in Google Chrome. I think it works in IE, Firefox and Safari, but if you're having issues with that, lemme know.

Thank you for your help improving the IIT Applied Math department.

Click HERE to start the survey.