12/8 - The final exam is now completed. I am
going to warn you all, the exam has 6 questions, 5 of which are word
12/6 - I have just posted the exam review
here. Hit me up if you have questions.
Instead of providing extra credit before the exam, I am going to include
extra credit problems as part of the exam, so be looking forward to
12/1 - All the solutions to the quizzes have
been posted in the quizzes section. These would be a good place to
start studying for the exam. I'll also be posting a study guide on here
for the exam which will consist of problems that are similar to
potential exam problems.
11/30 - Do not forget that the quiz on Wednesday will occur at
the beginning of class. Late folks will not be accomodated.
11/24 - Hey everyone. No class today thanks to the impending
holiday. I'll be on campus but I have a couple meetings today. Email/call me if you need
to see me and I'll let you know for sure when I'm in. I'll also probably be in tomorrow
and Friday, but still email me or call to check.
11/22 - The seventh assignment has been posted. Note the due date.
Also note that all late assignments and makeup quizzes need to be completed by Nov. 29. No
exceptions will be made ... period.
11/17 - Hey folks, don't forget that the quiz from Monday got pushed
back to today because Monday's lecture ran long.
11/10 - I am here today for anyone who needs to make up quiz 5. We
need to get that done soon as quiz 6 is approaching.
11/9 - New homework is posted for next week. As always there will
be a quiz to accompany this homework. The quiz will be on Monday and will cover systems of
11/8 - Class is cancelled today while I am presenting at a
conference. My office hours this week will be a little shifty, so make sure to contact me or
check the website before you try to stop in. Also, homework for 3.4-3.5 will be posted soon.
10/26 - There was a slight error on problem
6 of the extra credit assignment. I have fixed it, so make sure you use
the most recent version of the pdf.
10/26 - Class on Wednesday is canceled.
Check out this website for an extra credit assignment which will be
available on Wednesday. It will be due on Wednesday, so be prepared.
10/21 - Hey everyone. I'm still grading exams. Homework 5 has been
posted. Email if you have any questions.
10/20 - I'm gonna be stuck at lab this morning for seminar. I'll be in the
office about noon. If you have questions that can't wait until noon, hit me with an email.
10/18 - I posted a Midterm Review
for thos of you who wanted it. It's basically just a bunch of homework type problems, but
if it helps then all the better. Lemme know if you're having trouble with any of the problems
because I'll be in my office tomorrow during office hours. I may be a little late, so check
the site to make sure.
10/18 - Lan just got the HW 4 graded, so if you turned them in on
Wednesday last week it's in my office. Feel free to stop by tomorrow to pick it up if you
want, or you can grab it on Wedensday.
10/17 - I figured this deserved its own
bullet point: There is a quiz tomorrow that will cover HW 4. Since
there is a small chance I will be missing class, we will reschedule the
quiz in that event.
10/17 - Hey everyone. It turns out that my
illness was actually some sort of terrible condition that I can't
understand (but it might be a bonus question on the exam, lol). I've
been in Cleveland the last few days getting a diagnosis,
and this has prevented me from posting homework #5 or the study guide
that I said I'd get up. I'm gonna try to catch a flight back tonight
and prep materials early tomorrow.
The next homework will be due Monday, October 25 and will cover chapters
3.1-3.3. I will try to maintain my office hours tomorrow, assuming I
make a flight back to Chicago. Check this site to make sure I'm in.
10/13 - Guys, I'm real sick today. I'll be at class, but I won't be at office hours before class. Sorry.
10/5 - The fourth homework has been posted and will be due on Wednesday, October 13, given that Monday is
fall break. The next quiz will not be until Monday October 18.
10/4 - Solutions to the second quiz have been posted now that everyone is done retaking it. The fourth homework
will be posted soon.
09/28 - The most recent homework has just been posted. Note that it is due on Monday, October 4.
Note also that there will be a quiz over that material on Monday. Stop by if you have questions.
09/23 - Lan Jiang is the TA for this class, and I have posted her information on this website. If you have questions about the homework
you may feel free to come to me or to Lan. Don't forget, HW 2 is due on Monday, and we will be having the second quiz as well.
09/22 - There are some department
activities today which will negatively impact my office hours. I'll
try to be in from 11:00-noon, but other than that I don't think I'll be
around. Feel free to come by after class if you have questions.
09/14 - I have posted the most recent homework assignment to this website, as well as
BlackBoard. As you can see, it is due on Monday, September 27 and it is much shorter than your previous homework.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
09/14 - I anticipate having the quizzes graded by tomorrow, so you should be getting them back. I have posted
solutions to the quiz on this site in the logical area.
09/08 - Due to popular demand I have moved back the due date for the first assignment to Monday next week. Please have
all problems done by then and turn them in on September 13. The first quiz is still on September 13.
09/03 - After restoring everything I could, I just wanted to remind you that the first homework is due on Wednesday
and the first quiz is on Monday September 13. Have a happy Labor Day.
09/03 - Hey everyone. The website crashed and lost all the material that was up here.
I have worked to restore what I can but I haven't been able to restore everything exactly as it was. Everything should
pretty much be back to normal though. Lemme know if you think anything is missing.