Illustrates the inverse quadratic interpolation method coded in iqi.m to solve near the three initial guesses
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Find a root of the Bessel function 
We use the built-in MATLAB function besselj to solve
Note that the inverse quadratic interpolation method requires two initial guesses. Here we use
Note how iqi.m needs functions as input arguments.
disp('Find a root of the Bessel function J0:') J0 = @(x) besselj(0,x); disp('Initial guesses are x0 = 0, x1 = 1, x2 = 5') [x,iter] = iqi(J0,[0 1 5]); disp(sprintf('A root of J0 is x = %f.\nIt was computed in %d iterations.\n',x,iter))
Find a root of the Bessel function J0: Initial guesses are x0 = 0, x1 = 1, x2 = 5 x1 = 4.24837804522871 x2 = 5.22387379641461 x3 = 5.46191080362565 x4 = 5.51512765590600 x5 = 5.52006433089824 x6 = 5.52007810961385 x7 = 5.52007811028631 x8 = 5.52007811028631 x9 = 5.52007811028631 A root of J0 is x = 5.520078. It was computed in 9 iterations.
Find the first positive root of the Bessel function 
Notice how the previous example did not produce the first positive root. In order to get that, we need to change our initial guess. We now use
The rest is the same as above (and therefore not even repeated in the code).
%pause disp('Find the first positive root of the Bessel function J0:') disp('Initial guesses are x0 = 1, x1 = 2, x2 = 3') [x,iter] = iqi(J0,[1 2 3]); disp(sprintf('The first positive root of J0 is x = %f.\nIt was computed in %d iterations.\n',x,iter))
Find the first positive root of the Bessel function J0: Initial guesses are x0 = 1, x1 = 2, x2 = 3 x1 = 2.45020330258122 x2 = 2.40230484576990 x3 = 2.40480584854874 x4 = 2.40482555814647 x5 = 2.40482555769577 x6 = 2.40482555769577 The first positive root of J0 is x = 2.404826. It was computed in 6 iterations.