603 Multivariate Meshfree Approximation
Fall 2003
Instructor: Greg Fasshauer
Class-related Information
- Handouts or Worksheets
Additional Sources of Information
- (Numerical) Mathematics
Netlib, a collection of mathematical
software, papers, and databases
Guide to Available Mathematical
Numerical Recipes, a series of
books with code for Numerical Methods
- The
Top 10 Algorithms Index and Papers in Computing in Science & Engineering
Volume: 2 Issue: 1 , Jan.-Feb. 2000.
- "The
definition of numerical analysis," (Postscript file) by L. N. Trefethen
(Oxford University), appeared in SIAM News, Nov. 1992, reprinted in Bulletin
of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, March/April, 1993.
- Some
disasters attributable to bad numerical computing compiled by Douglas
Arnold (Institute for Mathematics and its Applications, Minneapolis)
- Understanding
Mathematics: A Study Guide by Peter Alfeld (University of Utah)
The Bernstein Bézier Form and Minimal Determining Sets by Peter
Alfeld (University of Utah)
- Matlab
- Maple (and alternatives)
Last updated: August 27, 2003
Greg Fasshauer (fass@amadeus.math.iit.edu)